Truly published. I mean like books all over the world type published. I wish!
But maybe my dream will someday come true...
Currently, I am seriously working on a soon-to-be-hopefully novel which is actually based on one of my poems on this site: "I Don't Suppose You Recall" is the name of the poem. The novel will be called "When the Mocking Bird Sadly Sings". It is about the relationships of my life, the ones that mattered to me most, the ones that made the deepest impact on everything I am now. It's basically a novel/autobiography...I'm just embellishing the truths a little to make it seem fictional. But really, hidden truths lie in wait within the words.
I am seriously thinking about attempting to publish this novel. Just thought I'd inform you guys..not to brag or anything..but just to inform. If it does get published, I'll update you all, and hopefully you'll get to read it! It is my goal to become a novelist as a career. If I achieve it, I'll be the happiest person on earth!!!!
Well, wish me luck!
And by the way, I don't know why, but I just want to tell you that many of you have been inspirations for me and my writing in many different ways, and I love ALL of your poetry! Words are powerful could rule the world with words.
Loves to all