I would normally post any new poem of mine in Dreamers Reality. But I can't open myself up like this to certain people who aren't directly in my life who may use this site as a point of reference on my current life. So, here I will be, completely exposed to my poetry family. I'm not happy...but I wait for the day where this sadness will fade away and make room for the joy I now I should be feeling-whatever my situation may be. I feel horrible for letting my fears get in the way of these moments that are currently so fragile and not allowing myself to appreciate them.
There are certain joys in life that should never be taken away from you
If only I could happiness in my heart for my current situation
Instead, I cling desperately to concern, doubt, sadness, and tears
Who can I trust with this?
Who can I not?
How can I not feel like an outcast having to exclude myself
Having to hide
Having to change
If only I had someone to wrap their arms around me
Someone to care about me
Be here with me through these ups and downs I will now be going through
...A love.
Maybe then the joy I should be feeling would exist in my life...
You are invading my space.
You are causing me to cry.
You are changing my life-for ever.
You are making me feel more lonely than I already felt.
You are making me doubt things.
You are making me worry.
You are currently causing unhappiness in my life.
But I promise...I will love you no matter what.
I saw your heartbeat rapidly
You exist in blackness
So alone, yet so invading
You're so lucky to not know pain yet
I wish I had the instinct to protect you for ever
-This fear has to pass first
I'm sorry to say I despise everythings that follows you
-Or should I say, preceeded you
I know for a fact it's not your intention to cause me stress, my heart pain, my soul restlessness
...But you do
I saw your heart beat rapidly
-But I sighed no breath of relief for your safety
Instead, I held it momentarily in that moment of realization
...You really do exist
I know this should pass, soon enough
This regret I have let settle in my heart
I hope it fades quickly
Before I tear myself apart
I know I'll smile, soon enough, when I see you
And be thankful for each beat
Soon I'll let go of this sadness
And be satisfied with what's meant to be
I know I'll no longer call you a thing
Soon enough I will call you...my baby