Poems About Ourselves

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Postby Dreamer » Wed Jan 15, 2003 12:53 am

Wow Barb I think that is the longest poem you have ever written hehe


This was alot of fun.. I hope more contribute :)))
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Postby bingholic98 » Wed Jan 15, 2003 2:34 pm

I told you I like talking about myself I can go on and on and on :lol:
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Postby Seizure » Wed Jan 15, 2003 3:16 pm

Last edited by Seizure on Wed Feb 19, 2003 1:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Capricorn » Wed Jan 15, 2003 6:22 pm

Yeah! seizure ..melons float!! :lol:
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Postby kristenk3 » Thu Jan 16, 2003 4:48 pm


I am trying to see who I was before she,
the hidden girl child,
was blinded by another's sadistic rage
His fire and brimstone succor
and suppliance demaded scourged
deep gashes of doubt into her core.

Washing her feet he stood under, yet over her
looming and whispering the end of time,
and God's eyes always upon us,
even in MY shame/blame.

Before seduction, confusion, abandonnment
from yet another I loved who swore unending love
and even passion from my naive supple skin,
I was her, the now hidden girl child.
Wide eyed, mischievous, ignored at best,
Told I was selfish and disloyal, a betrayer,
silenced at school, stalked by narcissist
parent's and "lover's" gaze, I becan to see
myself and all other's reactions through
their skewed and distorting lenses...

And I ran, deep into myself, protected by
a newcomer I mistook for my Nemesis,
my shameful, rebellious shadow, my protectress.
And now she gives me glimpses and smells,
tastes and colors, and sometimes I can cry
for the reality of my pain,
and other times I am numbed.

Dislocated, altered, dismembered girl child still.
I haven't met her, or made her whole yet.
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Postby Rosanne » Fri Jan 17, 2003 3:22 pm

You asked if we would write poems about ourselves. It stinks, but here goes...

Miss-Understood is my name for myself
But everyone knows me as Rosie
Often my free time gets put on the shelf
It's hard to have fun
When you're busy
Don't get me wrong, school is okay
Studying, reading
junk food, friends
Stresses and grades and teachers and porn (?!)
(Yes, I watch porn.
It amuses me)
Boyfriends and insufficient parking
Dining hall food
It's all good.
Everyone sees what my life is about
I'm called "a good girl"
"A smart girl," a "butch girl."
Screw the last one. Girls can be mechanics
and still be girly!
Many people think I'm terribly dull,
they'd be surprised I write poems.
So that's what you see.
But in me? Haha, you don't get to go there.
My poetry is the closest I come to expression.
And deep inside, my mind splits apart,
Wrestling with endless questions such as
"Will I ever write poetry that rhymes?"
Dear God, one can only hope.
The world does not judge by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others.
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Postby Luc » Fri Jan 17, 2003 4:56 pm

yeah what is wrong with porn.. :wink: :) glad someone has the courage to say it "outloud" that they like it... though i rather be in the porn but watching it is alright .. hehe.. and yes it also amusings me.. as well as turn me on :oops: :twisted: :lol:

i ilked that last part.. 'and deep inside my mind slipts apart, wrestling with endless questions such as ' i liked those lines..
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Postby Dreamer » Fri Jan 17, 2003 7:02 pm

This is such a great thread.. I am really enjoying the poetic glimpses into who you see when you look in the mirror... awesome awesome awesome :)
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Postby Capricorn » Fri Jan 17, 2003 7:12 pm

I agree Dreamer it is really interesting. Anyone else mind us having a peek? :D

Reminds me of a poem about looking in the mirror, will have to look it out and post it! :wink:
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Postby Dreamer » Fri Jan 17, 2003 7:33 pm

I wrote a short story about looking at myself in a mirror going into reflections of myself and what others might see that I didn't. I am sure it is on the website somewhere I think it is under The "Creative Writings" from the my poetic dreams main page It's called "Ageless Dreamer" ..

Maybe I better have a reread before I tell you guys to read it hehe..

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