thats a very moving story dreamer.. i liked it. though the first time when you heard the voice maybe him hearing you read the bible out loud he just wondered what the f*** is up with this female dog no offence just sorta saying... then he probably got bored knowing you doing nothin and went off to bed... the voices could also be your subcouncience. not that im saying god didnt do it just a thought. on the second time you heard it... im a little skeptic about it. though only because im baseing it on personaly stuff i have witness.. when you told him that "message" and he just looked at you and .. okie dokie i'll do just that... well i guess i'll imagine myself or someoen else pulling out his gun and aiming it at you saying ubsurd things even though that message was truth... though sence i dont know that person or how he is it was just a thought that ran across my mind...
voices i hear were somewhat diffrent... its more femaline though i har masculine ones too as well as 'childrens' voices. they call out my name and whent hey do i get feelings.. either bad or good. though those feelings are like bad i know something bad will happen depending on how bad i feel that outcome will come from that.. feeling very bad the outcome is going to be vvery drastic and well yeah so forth. and well my mothers friend says i have a gift seeing what others do not. though thats a diff story and i doubt any one would belive me...
and yeah maybe that house was the house god gave you. who knows. thers a lot of thigns that science or logic or whatever that cant explain and only leave one more option.."god"..
just on another note. i like what a budda priest toldme once. "there is but one god. though with many names and forms" i like that saying. think i posted it in these forums once before or maybe another forums site. heh well i like that saying since it can be true. the pagans beilvein in many gods aztec or indian tribes that belive in many anceitn spirits it can all be god and his multipul personalities...hehe well yeah im done babaling about my stuff so i'll just go...
ps. if i offenced anyone or you dreamer especially i didnt mean it...