Comments on Poems

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Postby Capricorn » Mon Mar 10, 2003 7:59 am

I am a bit slow I know...... but I've only just noticed all her requests for people to go and comment on her poems have been edited!!...leaving no proof on here!

Anyway I'll shut up now...I bet I'm coming over as a right old female dog myself! :evil: Just some things bring out the worst in me! ........sorry!
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Postby bingholic98 » Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:00 pm

holy chit , yeh when i first came on here I commented negatively on one of seisures poems, didn't realize I said some stupid things but he set me straight now we underrstand each other. I think if you think the poem is good it probably is if it comes from your heart. But cap is right a comment on your work inspires you to do better. Not preaching or judging just my opinions :lol: :wink: 8)
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Postby bingholic98 » Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:02 pm

dreamer thanks for looking out for us how's it feel to be a mother of this many :lol: :wink:
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Postby bingholic98 » Wed Mar 12, 2003 10:54 am

I would like to thank everyone , :) that's a regular on here for the support I receive when a jerk with an attitude comes on here and bad mouths the site. there are alot of good writers on here :wink: and I'm one, rose so there :lol:
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Postby Seizure » Thu Mar 13, 2003 1:52 am

well there ya go.
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Postby bingholic98 » Thu Mar 13, 2003 2:15 pm

it takes more than a rude comment to shut me up :lol:
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Postby LinzAy » Thu Mar 13, 2003 3:01 pm

omigosh!!! i am so!! I wrote this nice long reply or whatever and it wouldnt i copied it and left the site and came back to here and tried to paste it....yea! it was gone! grrrrrr :evil:

It seems like i missed quite the little get-together here! But I still feel like i was here in a way because i was defending ya in my head and agreing with ya guys in my head at certain times. Very It does suck though when our Dream of Realities gets infected with such a parasite as her. I'm glad Becky was able to rid of that virus. And trust me, i'm not sure i need to view her PMs to any of ya guys...just from her few posts in this little party i gather the b****iness that could've come out.

As for the true reason this thread was started. I agree that many great poems go unread/uncommented just ebcause they are by an unfamiliar poet. And I admit to going and viewing those poets who I either communicate with or just enjoy getting to know throught their poems. And i do tend to leave more comments on these poems more so than unknown to me poets. But i will also admit to not always commenting on my "favored" poets poems. And it's either because I don't want to degrade the perfection of the poem (in my eyes) or because i just simply cant find the words within me to leave a worthy comment:A.K.A.:writers comment block! And that goes for some of the poets who we aren't to familiar with too. And i definitely agree with everyone that we shouldn't just leave a comment simply because we read the poem. For "it wouldn't be being true to ourselves". When i saw this thread i swore my mind was being read because lately i have lecturing myself on leaving comments for the poems i like....because i've noticed myself getting bad at it.

So, with that im somewhat done! I'd first like to apologize if none of this comment makes an ounce of sense. It's late and i woke up pretty darn early(which is NOT my thing!) So even if i reread it...i wouldn't notice anything not sounding

o! i finally got my permit!!!! :D ( :x I'm 18 though :x ) DOn't even ask why it took so darn long to finally get it.....but trust imma be drivin around tomorrow!!! lol...
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Postby Seizure » Thu Mar 13, 2003 4:31 pm

and there you go too.
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Postby Martin Vann » Fri Mar 14, 2003 10:20 am


Not bad for someone who was still asleep at the wheel! I would say, you came through loud and clear. I try to read as many poems as I can and sometimes focus on poets who are new to the site or poems by poets I just haven't read before. I like doing that because I find a "new twist" from poets I haven't read before, even old, archived poems, some great material is in the back ground of this site.

Also, I to, don't like to leave a worthless reply on a poem, I always try and get to the depths of the writer's thoughts and that is why I sometimes leave replies that are oh, verbose, but that is how I feel.

On the other hand. I have learned that some poets appreciate even a simple, "I enjoyed your poem," because at least, they know someone read it and that it didn't end up some where in outter space.

So, I don't have an answer, but I will say that if, a poem does not at least say something to me, then, I don't make a comment, period, why should I, that is what I would call, being rude. So, make an honest comment or none at all.

As far as Seizure's comments to us about replies on poems and so forth, he also set me on the right path one time. I didn't realize that some of my "earlier comments" gave the impression that I was talking down to the author or that my wrods just rolled around in my empty head, making no sense at all!

Now, Seizure didn't exactly say it that way, because he gave me the benefit of the doubt and his comments to me were fair and honest and I thank him for that.

I think that our replies deserve the same attention as our own poems receive when we write them. After all, when we write, be it a poem or a reply, it is ourselves that we are laying out there for all to see with every line. So, if its an honest reply, hey, lay it out there and move on.

I hope this was L O N G enough, I have a reputation to up-hold.

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Postby bingholic98 » Sun Mar 16, 2003 11:08 am

that's one thing about this site. When somebody attacks our writing you get support from others Thank-you everybody now I better go I'm getting teary eyed :wink:
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