Where is your best place of inspiration?

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Where is your best place of inspiration?

Postby Dreamer » Mon Oct 28, 2002 1:08 pm

Where do you find most of your inspiration?

I get mine from being in nature, tossing and turning when I am suposed to be sleeping, and of all places when I am doing dishes or driving my car.

I have taken to carrying a little hand held tape recorder for car much less dangerous than trying to write while driving.

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Postby Stacey » Mon Oct 28, 2002 1:33 pm

I also find a lot of my inspiration while driving, usually first thing in the morning on my way to work.
At night while i'm trying to fall asleep and sometimes in the shower.
The tape recorder thing is a great idea. Now i'll know what to ask for for Christmas. :)
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Postby everett » Mon Oct 28, 2002 5:19 pm

I find inspiration by things that have happened to me or are happening. Most of the time ill just sit down when im alone and start writing whatever im feeling. A lot of times i can find inspiration while driving also.
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Postby Seizure » Tue Oct 29, 2002 3:07 am

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Postby Trinity » Thu Nov 07, 2002 5:53 pm

Sunsets. Definitely Sunsets. No matter how chaotic your life is - a sunset can make everything seem tranquil for just a little while.
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Postby Luc » Thu Nov 07, 2002 9:05 pm

since i walk home from school i have a lot of time to think. my school is a long ways from my home. walking a longs way by yourself really lets you think. thinking about all my emotions or just things i heard about in school help me make up poems. and i as well when i cant sleep i usually get up and right a few down. though most are just like one line or just two lines. as well as reading a good book.
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Postby bingholic98 » Wed Dec 18, 2002 1:08 pm

my inspiration comes from other people :) What they do or how they act is what I write about. and then of course my favorite subject ME :lol:
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Postby RinRin » Thu Dec 19, 2002 9:13 am

Hmmm...well a lot of things inspire me to write the poetry that I write. Mostly It's fall weather. Yes, you read that right. Fall weather. I don't know what it is about Fall weather. I think it's the beauty...or maybe the tranquility...or maybe the solemn, yet serene effect it has on the viewer. I don't know!
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Postby Capricorn » Thu Dec 19, 2002 7:30 pm

Hi there RinRin, glad you have joined us. I can understand why fall weather inspires you, there is a certain feeling in the air that you don't get anyother time.Yes it is kind of tranquill.

I was inspired while sitting on a bus today, thought of some lovely lines, thought I would remember them. There were only 4 lines. By the time I got home & cooked the tea, I suddenly remembered to think of those lines....but 2 of them I just cannot remember :cry: Have to carry a note pad with me in future! :roll:
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Postby Sax » Fri Dec 27, 2002 11:19 am

I FIND IT IN ME HEAD!!!!!! :mrgreen:
I can sleep when I'm dead!!!!! >=O

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