Where do poems come from? Why do we write the way we do? What are the outstanding characteristics of our poems? As a self-porclaimed Poet, WHO AM I?
I happened to ask these questions of myself today and wanted to get some answers about me and, I WANT to know, how do you come up with your poems, how do you do it, what is your process?
To find answers to my questions about myself, I went to my area of poems on Dreamer's site. I looked at all the titles and HEY, this can be very revealing, give it a try. Its very interesting what you will see by looking at the titles of your poems.
I have written poems with titles from "Verbal Intercourse," to "Little Flower On My Car Window." Now, you may see, what I'm getting at here. Verbal Intercouse sounds interesting, it indicates sex, but Flower on someone's care window? give me a break!
I think, my basic poem writing process is what I call the, Blind Man's Cane process, yes, I made that up.
This is how it works for me I think, I subconsciously of course, take my pen and just sort of stick it out there in the woorld and move it around until I touch something, like a blind man would do with his cane.
Then I decide if, I need to go around it or, theought it. If I decide to go through it, then I began to write about it.
Honest, I seldom know where my words will go, but once I start, the words began to flow. Sometimes, I just hear a good line, then I may write it down and see where it goes. Sometimes I think of a cool title, then I see where that may go.
One thing I do not do is, I never come up with a good title and then, try and force a poem around it, that doesn't work for me. I think poets have a magic of sorts, the words come from somewhere, I just don't know where, they come from. I don't feel, that I force them to appear and rhyme and make sense and so forth.
I noticed by viewing the titles of my poems that my characteristic I think, is to think about a common theme, then I write about it in the abstract. I will as an example, instead of using the wword rape, I will somehow, turn it into "poetice Penetration," as in a poem called, "The Black Knight" quite weird, isn't it, this process?
I find that I alwo enjoy reading your poems, then without great effort, when I reply to your work, I become part of it and my reply is often an extension of your own poem. Its as if you allowed me to co-author your poem, adding one more little thought. I do this because your poem made me feel as if, I was a part of your peom and understand it from my own perspective. To me, without thinking of doing it as a compliment to you, I'm sharing the results of your own work, back to you, and not at you.
That is all I wanted to say and I do hope that you will reply with how, you seem to be able to create such beautiful poetry and Who are you as a poet, where does your material come from, why do you write as you do.
Hey, have a great day!