A Poet's view...

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A Poet's view...

Postby Stacey » Sat Nov 30, 2002 1:52 pm

Does anyone else feel that as a poet they see things differently then most other people? I think a poet has a unique eye.

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Postby bingholic98 » Sat Nov 30, 2002 5:49 pm

I don't know if I see things differently or not. I just think poets are more aware always looking for ideas to write. Maybe that makes us nosey finding out what happened ,why, I think we are alot like reporters, don't you :?:
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Postby Trinity » Sun Dec 01, 2002 1:12 pm

I think that everyone has a poet deep inside of them - but only some of us get in touch with that part of us enough to actually write them :)
I know that as a poet, I tend to look beyond the surface of everything. I don't just see an old man riding his bicycle on a sunny day - I sees an elderly man who's wife has recently passed away and he's trying to make the best of his time left on earth be cherishing the good weather and exercise. I don't just see a little girl playing at the park with a puppy - I see a little girl who is picked on by others and she has no other sanctuary then spending time with her favorite new friend.
I definitely think SOME people have a third eye which picks up on things that others don't. But I don't know that it necessarily means they are poets :!:
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Postby Capricorn » Sun Dec 01, 2002 5:08 pm

I love the way you expressed your thoughts thenTrinity! I do think that poets are more sensitive to life in general and more tenderhearted,But I think this may extend to other creative people like artists, musicians etc. yes I beleive some have a third eye too.
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Third Eye Blind?

Postby Trinity » Sun Dec 01, 2002 9:20 pm

Perhaps that band got their name from the inability of some people to see beyond the surface of things?
LOL - just a thought :D
By the way, this is Pamela :!:
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Postby Dreamer » Sun Dec 01, 2002 10:02 pm

that's the poet in you... always thinking :)))
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third eye

Postby bingholic98 » Tue Dec 03, 2002 7:35 pm

Well trinity maybe you are right but a third eye would make us FREAKS not poets just kidding trinity :lol:
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Postby LinzAy » Tue May 13, 2003 9:10 pm

i just think a poet has a different way to let out what they see or feel. I have a few ways to do this actually....write, dance, and draw sometimes. My friend greg has a few ways, write and let it out through his music..his guitar. And it comes out beautifully i must say. one of my "bestest" friends april writes...tho she doesnt like her writing, and she just talks about everything.......everyone has their own way of expressing what they think or see or feel. Now my friend Josh.............he's a whole other story :wink: :D
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Postby rubydragon » Wed May 14, 2003 6:09 am

I can't really agree, because everybody sees things differently, in their own way.

With me I don't look for inspiration, inspiration finds me, I don't look for my next poem or even try, it just happens wherever I am or whatever I am doing, I can't control it, I can go for months wihout a poem, then one day it happens and they come flooding out, altogether at home I have hundreds of poems, over the last five years. I wouldn't say I have a third eye or even a Poets blood.
My poems come straight from the dark, scary, lonely, painful and shattered regions of my heart and soul.

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Postby Luc » Wed May 14, 2003 6:37 am

ah same here...
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