what do you want to do with your writing?

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what do you want to do with your writing?

Postby moonlight phoenix » Tue Feb 11, 2003 4:24 am

Me, I hope to be a freelance writer for mags and papers as well as poetry and some short stories. What do you hope to achieve or do you simply write for pleasure? Btw can you submit short stories anywhere on this site?
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Postby Seizure » Tue Feb 11, 2003 7:35 am

Last edited by Seizure on Wed Feb 19, 2003 12:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Xeracy » Tue Feb 11, 2003 4:46 pm

I want to influence people. I started with music, now I just like to write. Eventually I plan on turning a lot of them into songs.
kinda like a cloud i was up way up in the sky
and i was feeling some feelings you wouldn't believe.
sometimes i don't believe them myself
and i decided i was never coming down.
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Postby Luc » Tue Feb 11, 2003 5:22 pm

i help out with friends band with lyrics. and i plan on writing a novel. 0.o im in asence already doing it. just jotting down ideas though. doign a few peices here and there once in a while. but one of these days i plan to sit my ass down and start writing at least the prolouge or something. i would like to be a semi-famous writier but i doubt that will ever happen. so i just gonna seel most of my short stories to rpg companies.
other then that i just write for therapy ya know venting.
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Postby Capricorn » Wed Feb 12, 2003 5:22 pm

I really write to vent my emotions...very therapeutic! When I came across Dreamers website I had never dreamed of putting a poem on a website! I have found it even more theraputic to share my thoughts and emotions with others who are not going to judge you for how you feel.
I sometimes dream of having some of my favourite poems printed and illustrated by my son who is brilliant at sketching, it would be a nice combination....but this is just a dream!!
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Postby Dreamer » Thu Feb 13, 2003 1:31 pm

I write for my own pleasure and distress. I soothes a non-stop mind sometimes to write it out. Sharing it just happened. As some already know I am a third generation poet. Following in the footsteps of my Great-grandmother and grand-mother.

Well, My dream for my work has always been to put my writings in a hard cover book. I even went so far as to look into the cost of doing so. But after pricing it and the reality of me being an unknown author set in. I realized no one would probably ever pay the kind of price for my book that would even allow me to break even. I have even toyed with getting an old press and my trusty sewing machine and printer and trying to do it myself. (Hehe see what I mean about a non-stop mind... always thinking)

I have also wished to do compulation books from the site.. But no funds=no book.

The dream is not dead just put aside for a while.

Due to publications in various School yearbooks and a few magazines and one stone memorial somewhere. Maybe someone will remember me a couple generations from now, after I have closed the final chapter in the book of my life. That to me would be the ultimate success.

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Postby moonlight phoenix » Fri Feb 14, 2003 5:23 am

i think all your dreams are valid. you CAN become semi famous or at least published if you believe in yourself. It's wonderful to have dreams so why not believe in yourself instead of assuming that they are unrealistic?
blessed be
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Postby Dreamer » Sat Feb 15, 2003 12:57 pm

Oh I believe my dreams are valid ..
just not feasable at this time....
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Postby LinzAy » Mon Feb 17, 2003 1:50 am

Someday when I have money I wanna publish a book with all my poems in it...well, all the poems I like of mine anyway :D
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Postby Rosanne » Mon Feb 17, 2003 4:26 pm

I plan to finish my degree in Aviation Maintenance here in May and would really really love to be hired at one of the major aircraft manufacturers (like Cessna or Beechcraft) as a Tech writer, writing service manuals and stuff. Of course, they usually hire lawyers but whatever. I think I have enough skill at writing to be decent as a tech writer. I will definitely still be writing poems and lyrics though. I've got an acoustic guitar that I can play a little, and I would consider my life complete if I could play at a local bar or something, just to say that I did it. Anyway, is anyone else here planning to make a carreer out of their writing abilities ( I mean other than publishing a book of poems). Some of the poems on Dreamer's site would probably make awesome self-help writers, like those Chicken Soup for (your demographic here)'s Soul...
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