Site News

Notices from Dreamer

Site News

Postby Dreamer » Sun Oct 09, 2005 3:56 pm

Hi Everyone,

Vampi and I are working on updating to site a bit again. Changing links around so they are more search engine friendly. Lots of other not so apparent background stuff too.

There will be a few new things going on that you might notice though.

We are working on is a "Poems of the Day" (or hour, not sure yet if I will rotate randomly or not) on the front page of the site.

The poems in this section will have certain criteria to meet in order to be considered for posting on the first page. To me any poem in this area must be a good representation of what I am looking for on the site.

First and foremost they must be submitted in perfect condition. Punctuation if used, must be used correctly. (ie: no over use of commas or spaces before them.) Capitalization if used, must be consistent throughout the poem. Correct spelling. I should not have to edit your poem. If I do it is automatically disqualified from the front page postings.

Why am I being so picky you ask? I feel the front page should be representative of the site. I want it to be a good first impression of poetry contained on the site. I want to showcase your best work.

Another thing you will notice, bookmarked pages might change. Best way to find things, if they seem lost, is to come in from the first page which will be properly linked to all main pages. From there you should be able to find everything.

Best of everything to everyone..

Your Friend in Poetry,
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