Bad Week

Notices from Dreamer

Bad Week

Postby Dreamer » Sat Mar 15, 2003 2:22 pm

Hey guys,

This has been one heck of a week for me and the website.. I'll bring you all up to date incase you missed some of my crazy mistakes hehe.

Earlier this week I had to get rid of a problem person on the site. I am not going to get into names and such just that I dealt with it best I could by banning them from using the site. This was all well and good until I realized I over did things a bit with putting a 1 where a 0 should have been and managed to ban everyone first from the forum and then the site too (grr to me)

Then came a good part I got a much needed new computer. (hooray I beat a major hardrive crash)

I immediately started transfering information to backups to move over to the new one. (the dying harddrive was complicating things from an easy transfer between the two) So I backed up all my stuff and I decided to update the site one more time before shutting down the nearly dead computer. Problem was i didn't update my back up of the website. So when I moved over to the new computer and did a quick update to a poem that needed to be on there for a TV news report a couple hours later I forgot about not having a proper weeks and months pages backed up and managed to erase links to all the poems I had put on in the previous upload. Thus the disappearing poems people noticed. They were there but the most used links to them had vanished. Unless they had been commented on they seemed to disappear.

I had to go back into storage and get the now retired computer back out and try to get it to boot one last time to retrieve the missing stuff and combine it with what I now had, making everything kosher again.

Finally after many many hours of work yesterday I think I have everything as it should be again. If anyone still notices anything missing or majorly wrong please let me know. Other than a few later sent submisison (or over the 5 poem limits) <cough cough> everything should be caught up good by the end of the weekend

Thank-you all for your patience and kind words during this crazy week you all deservere 4 gold stars for your patience

Hopefully I will be done with my klingon impressions for a while now..

"I can't be in your shoes, But I can be by your side.. and hold your hand in friendship."
-Scott Goober, (Boston Public)
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