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WEEk 13

PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 4:34 am
by bench
I have been wanting to propose this topic a long time already. As I have said in some of my posts, I see spirits and angels. I posted one poem about my guardian angel.

For this week's topic, I want you to write about something mystical or something about a scary experience (one with spirits and ghosts). Plus points if you use figures of speech (like simile, metaphor, personification etc.) Good luck guys!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 6:35 am
by Seizure

this one might be fun

PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2003 12:56 pm
by Dreamer
Man, my writing became way more than I bargined for. It turned into the second part to a story I wrote a few years back.

All of the elements you asked for are in the writing as the whole story is a metaphor. First and second parts, It uses personification, and is somewhat mystical. But it is waaaaaay to bong to post here so I added it to my writing collection instead.

Thank's for the inspiration Bench.. I love Metaphors and use them all the time. Usually my entire writing means something completely different than it seems.

If you are interested in a long read...
It is part II of The Knight's Dragon entitled "The Knight's Quest"
you can find it here:

Those of you who have known me a few years might pick out the Metephor of the story imediately.


PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 5:30 am
by bench
This is not good! There hasn't been any entries yet except for dreamer's. Is it okay if we extend this one more week to give people some time to think and compose? Or would you rather have me come up with a new topic?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 11:57 am
by RinRin
oops...i meant to write one for this topic and I completely forgot!! i'm sorry...maybe you should extend it like..half a week or something..hehe..well here's mine:


Through the sunny field I ran,
known to me, no other man,
flowers tickling my toes,
and wispy clouds above my nose,
I ran until I found a tree,
standing tall, known only to me,
I knew it's secrets, it told me so,
it trusted me for it to show,
I loved it like a dearest friend,
and it loved me to no end.

Well, soon the worst was to come,
there's nothing that I could've done,
but one day, the tree abandoned me,
I ran into the field with glee,
anticipating the daily meet,
to sit upon it's root, my seat,
as I drew closer to the spot,
I looked and looked, but I saw not,
for the tree had gone, it was not there,
I couldn't believe it, and as I stared,
upon the stump of bark that remained,
my beloved tree had fallen to shame.

Then suddenly, as I was weeping,
a fairy flew up to meet me,
she said, "don't fear, this was no fault of yours,
your beloved tree was filled with horror,
as suddenly, a man with a blade,
came quickly into the glade,
and chopped down your friend of best,
now it is put to rest."
I listened with sadness, but I knew,
that there was nothing I could do,
to bring back my beloved tree,
so I ran from the field, gone was my glee.

The metaphor in this one is, of course, the tree. It symbolizes my imagination (hence the title), and how at one point of my life, it failed completely, was chopped down, but by an old teacher of mine who, ironically, encouraged imagination. i won't go into details, but the fairy symbolizes the logical part of my mind. I told myself that it wasn't my fault, and there was nothing I could do. It wasn't exactly the best advice I had ever given myself, so I stopped writing, drawing, doing anything creative. I rebuilt it later, but honestly, it was one of the worst times of my life. I felt pretty much useless...i don't know if this works for the topic, but i did it in a mystical sense so..hehe...maybe! :P



PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 3:01 am
by bench
nice one rinrin! i love it! Others can still submit!

PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 3:23 am
by bench
okay here is one i made. this is just to inspire others to write.


images of angels' wings
on white-washed walls
white on white
light as light

flutters in the cool wind
shifts shapes
now a host
then an arch

sleep steals time
eyes heavy with
the images of angels' wings
on white-washed walls.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 9:01 am
by Seizure
I would contribute, but I don't want to have the responsibility of being selected right now (if I am). I don't have the time.

I don't feel participation is weak because of a tough topic... it's not a tough topic. I think it's just the simple fact that the weekly contest has dropped off. I believe the facts are on the table. I think it's a shame, but I'm not saying anything new to anyone.

If participation picks up again, great. I hope it does... but it's not looking too good right now.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 10:04 pm
by bench
i agree with you seize. anyway i'm giving this until sunday. poets might change their minds! :)

PostPosted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 8:30 am
by Seizure
hopefully so.