by LinzAy » Fri Aug 06, 2004 4:36 pm
Darkness consumed that room
I felt i layed on a wooden board
Calves hanging off
But I was on my bed I was sure
My bedroom door twisted sideways
And into the door of a friend
I felt I walked up to it with horrible fear
Fear I wanted to end
I tried to sit up to get up and run
But something pushed me back down and held me there
Sitting on my chest, I could hardly breathe
I tried to scream but had no air
I couldn't move I couldn't shout
As evil reigned upon my room
I hoped for light, for this to be gone
I wanted to cry for this to be over soon
I tried to scream again
But only a whisper escaped my lips
And it was over, that was it
Everything left as quickly as it came
Evil fled as quickly as it scared
But I did not run or hide
I just continued to lay there
So happy that I could again feel my bed
So happy that darkness no longer engulfed me
I rolled over said a prayer
And, somehow, quickly went to sleep
I was so friggin scared!!!!! Which doesn't make any sense to me why I didn't get up and sleep somewhere else? blah...but yea..there it is
~The Greatest Thing You'll Ever Learn Is Just To Love And Be Loved In Return~