Explicit Poems

Discussion Area For Poems and Writing

How should explicit poems be posted? (lust/erotica, strong language, graphic cutting poems)

separate new website
with warning (Same site)
just leave things as they are
Total votes : 13

Explicit Poems

Postby Dreamer » Fri Jan 21, 2005 10:50 pm

Lately there has been some comments to me about some of the more explicit poems, The categories that are under question are:

"suicidal tendencies"
some "dark thoughts"
and poems with strong language (cussing)

Some people think I need to think more about protecting our younger and more sensitive readers of the site.

How Do I Feel???

Since I think all thoughts are valid I don't want to eliminate the darker writers who might need the site most. Their feelings and outlooks are just as valid as the happy poets. Feeling that they are not alone in their darkness is important and healing in some cases. But their darker views of life might not be what some people want to or should read about.

SO I ask you, the users of the site, your opinions on the direction I should take with the writings. So that I might consider your point of views in my final decision.... Comments as well as the poll are welcome but please only vote once.

Thanks in advance for your input..

If you do not see an available poll and don't want to join the webforum you can send me a message at dreamer@dreamersreality.com with your thoughts
Last edited by Dreamer on Sat Jan 22, 2005 10:02 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Luc » Fri Jan 21, 2005 11:02 pm

i say put a warning on it. cause it might bring the notion that they are just being casted out. yet still kept close only because you feel obligated to be nice. or something along those lines.
but then they (dark writers) might feel special and be like, wow we have our own place. but then it will just keep the others ("happy" writers) think they are not special.

something along those lines. just keep ppl together and tag 'em with warning signs.
or something.
just my two cents.
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Adult Content

Postby shaz » Sat Jan 22, 2005 5:13 am

I think if there is a warning that adult content is about to be viewed it would be sufficeint. This is a place where we feel safe to express our inner most thoughts and feelings. If we use bad or explicit language it's because most of us here can relate to each others needs.
Please dont change that.
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Postby Stacey » Sat Jan 22, 2005 9:33 am

Why do we even have to have a warning? All of the poems are catagorized , correct?

To me, i think that if you're old enough to read and use the pc unsupervised, then you're old enough to know right from wrong. Therefore anything negative read, should not effect you.

The world is definitely no where near perfect and maybe this is the only way some of the darker poets know how to express themselves. I think that we should all try and understand eachother . How can we overlook the pain some of these poets feel? And as far as cussing goes.. i'm sure they'll hear it on the streets sometime sooner or later. Just because you hear foul language, doesn't mean you " have" to use it. I think a cuss can really add to an "anger poem"
With the lusty poems... if you're not interested in it.. don't read it !!!

I dunno.. i guess i just think that a lot of people just want something to complain about.

What do you think??
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Postby RinRin » Sat Jan 22, 2005 6:51 pm

Stacey couldn't have said it better :)

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Postby Dreamer » Sat Jan 22, 2005 9:46 pm

Here are a couple thoughts I recieved in an email in response to this thread. I thought these should be shared here as part of the thread.

you can ban and eliminate what a small percentage complain about..
this doesn't stop the fact that it exist elsewhere..
complainin' parties need to open their eyes and see the BIG picture in life WE HERE ONLY MAKE UP A SMALL % IN LIFE..

things balance themselves out.....
many of these kids /adults come here for a general pupose to release what troubles them...

here you read/feel:

your site allows us to do /be just that...
we all have things to share ..
we all have growing pains ....
dark, lustful,..cussing...or what have ya,
that's what balances society out...
we are only human
it is all a part of life...

if they don't read it here they will read it somewhere else..

the negative being turned to positive.
how a few words have touched someones life
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Postby hushy2 » Sun Jan 23, 2005 5:50 am

leah I gave my seven year old cousin the adress of this website a while back.

at her primary school they let them go on the internet for half an hour a week.

I went to visit her just last week,and she said to me "if I get a bit of glass and slit my wrists,is that the quickest way to die?" she told me she had been "trying" to read and understand the poems on the site.

a 7 year old should not have to read this,
but I suppose Im one of them that has to always complain about something a. :roll:
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Postby hushy2 » Sun Jan 23, 2005 5:54 am

But dont get me wrong,I know people need an outlet for there emotions,and this is a place to do it. and a warning on the poem wouldnt take to much.

oh and just because they can "read" a poem,doesnt always mean they "undertand it".
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Postby Stacey » Sun Jan 23, 2005 8:54 am

there is a children's poetry section on this website.

as far as the rest of the poems go... positive and negative, how in the world would a 7 year old understand any of it anyway????

I think if a 7 year old is using the computer, an adult should be sitting right there with them .

Just my opinion.
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Postby hushy2 » Sun Jan 23, 2005 9:32 am

leah a very bright 7 year old,and yes i do agree that there shoul;d be adult supervision.
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