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Postby Seizure » Sat Jul 05, 2003 3:57 am

Leah06, I'll hook you up with a pass when i'm around you.

I also got something you can have a listen to next time you see me online... don't know if you heard it or not... might like it, who knows..

And Dreamer... making fun of me inviting you eh? fine then! i see how it is :). We could do Forever instead of Killing Machines or something.

Who knows...
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Postby Leah06 » Sat Jul 05, 2003 2:20 pm

ok ill talk to you on line next time i see you on... and thatnks for the passes!
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Postby Ghost » Tue Jul 08, 2003 1:45 pm

Ok, I know that everyone has been talking about backstage passes and stuff like that but I've got some random things in my head that I need to get out. Why is it that most guys won't notice something about you unless you tell them about it?? Yesterday I got my hair cut and highlighted so I look more blonde than I am. However, nobody at work has even noticed. It is a pretty dramatic change for me but all the guys I work with haven't said a darn thing. That gets kinda annoying. Sure, they are all married and I'm not looking for attention from them, but it would be nice to be noticed every once and a while. Yeah, I think I'm done now. :mrgreen:
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Postby Luc » Tue Jul 08, 2003 1:50 pm

well i think most men dont pay to much attention to girls hair.. they are busy staring at other things (if ya know what i mean)... sad but true. i probably wouldnt notice right away but i would in time... heh..

random stuff:

i have cramps all over my legs and stuff.. feel down the stairs. lucky it was only one stair left and the railing was right in front of me so i didn ttouch the floor.. but me calfs and legs still hurts -.- heh.. well that was random.. :?
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Postby Ghost » Tue Jul 08, 2003 1:53 pm

Yeah, that sounds like it would hurt. I hope that the guys I work with aren't staring at other things, they are like in their 40's and I'm only 20. Plus, I'm the bosses daughter. But I see where you're coming from.
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Postby Luc » Tue Jul 08, 2003 1:57 pm

well if they are in their 40's and your in your 20's i would expect them to be staring at other things. i mean old guys tend to like younger women. not all guys but a good hand full. and even if your the bosses daughter they wont stop staring.. they'll just wont hit on you.. thats what i think at least...

random stuff:
i was just remember the day i got pulled over for speeding.. it was a simple mistake from the race track (in the back of some alley) and the normal street road.. i still didnt get no ticket though.. haha.. um yeah o.O
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Postby Ghost » Tue Jul 08, 2003 2:01 pm

I got a ticket once. They said I was doing 90 in a construction zone. My car is only a V4 so I can only do 90 if I'm going down hill with the wind pushing me. Since it was my first ticket, she wrote down that I was doing 75 instead. It was still a $150 ticket because it was a construction zone and the fines are doubled. Plus, it was like midnight and there were only 5 other cars on the road and they were going a lot faster than me. It was really ghetto but I didn't get any points taken off my license. It was also a girl officer other wise, I would have tried the whole flirting thing because I was wearing a skirt. :wink:
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Postby Luc » Tue Jul 08, 2003 2:05 pm

haha.. (would of loved to be the male officer?? :wink: :lol: ))

i just finished my drawing ^.^ face still looks off :( but i'll get to work on it.. again :?
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Postby Ghost » Tue Jul 08, 2003 2:07 pm

That's cool that you can draw, I'm not very artistic in that area. It's even hard for me to draw a straight line with a ruler. What state do you live in Luc? I would also love to see some of your drawings if you ever want to e-mail them to me that would be cool. If you can.
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Postby Luc » Tue Jul 08, 2003 2:14 pm

i live in indiana..

i have some of my old drawings on my website and at elfwood.com but my newer ones i havent put up.. i'll probably update my drawings on my website this weekend or something..

random stuff:
im tired so eh.. face on my drawing came out as best to my abilities at the moment.. the whole azztec theme and what not.. but i still feel like drawing.. just dont know what to draw.. the artistic block strikes yet again -.-
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