actually i've just been too lazy to think of anything as of yet! hehe...well here's mine, then!
Still You Betrayed
I can't protect you anymore,
you gave my heart a painful sore,
your intentions are now so clear
why couldn't I see that I lived in fear?
The love you gave me was to be cherished
but now that love has surely perished,
I used to feel that wonderful surprise
every time you looked into my eyes.
You masked your feelings, tied a knot
smiled a smile that forever I sought,
and then you broke it, and let it all go,
now of your true feelings, i surely know.
Now that it's over, I've nothing to give,
and my body is weakened, hating to live.
I gave you my life, my heart, my whole,
and still you betrayed me, ripped apart my soul.
So now I stand before you, to draw a truce,
to mend my heart, from my body, completely loose,
and still you cannot see the aching pain I hold,
from the false reasons that you so happily told.
I left a flower on the doorstep, a weed that still remembers me.