Random stuff.....

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Postby Ghost » Tue Jul 08, 2003 2:26 pm

I'll be sure to check them out sometime.

Random stuff: My lower back hurts for reasons that I'd rather not talk about. I guess I'll be laying on an ice pack when I get home from work tonight.
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Postby Luc » Tue Jul 15, 2003 1:34 pm

random stuff: scanners working now.. er.. o.O updating my website.. umm.. and soon you all can see my latest drawings and my kittens..
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Postby Dreamer » Sat Jul 19, 2003 2:18 am

Stacey I know it was a while back you asked but my doggie is doing okay. She's back to her old obnoxious self.. TYhough I have noticed that when she decides to bark at someone it is from either under my trailer or real close to the door rather than moving toward them .. Guess she learned her lesson.
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Postby Dreamer » Sat Jul 19, 2003 2:50 am

Seizure wrote:And Dreamer... making fun of me inviting you eh? fine then! i see how it is :). We could do Forever instead of Killing Machines or something.

Who knows...

Actually I wasn't making fun just having fun thinking about it. I didn't picture me doing killing machines but forever would deffinately be do-able. Remind me sometime I have been playing with one of your songs singing a melody that seems to work over top of your vocals I do it everytime I listen to it since the first time. But off the top of my head I can't think of which song it is.


random stuff:

I hope the newpaper article about my websites doesn't make me out to be too much of a goof. I hate reporters.. Thursday a local paper is doing a story on me, Dreamersreality.com, and .net. I will scan or copy the story for everyone if It is not too gawd awful embarrassing. They took pictures of me typing away at my keyboard...(like I was really working on the site with the reporter here ha)

Right now most of the Dreamersreality.net project is not viewable by the public so I am working on getting the part that is, going. It goes along with the soldier penpal thing I have been trying to start up. Someone jumped the gun and informed the press before I was really ready for it to go pubic.. grrr The worst part is overwith. (the interview) To say the least I am really nervous about it. I don't do stuff for recognition so it feels really weird when it happens.

There is a chance I might be going to Germany for a week to meet up with Clint. But that is not definate yet since I haven't heard from him in a couple weeks.

My hand still hurts pretty bad from the sparkler burn I got over the holidays. Tip of a sparkler fell off as it lit and landed on my thumb and decided it didn't want to let go. I had a blister as big as my thumb on one side. Now if it would finish healing so I could bend my thumb again it would be nice. It's amazing how much you hit your thumb and don't realize it.. Till there is pain involved.. Can't even hold a pen.. good thing I can type :)

Oh yeah and LinzAy says hi she has been having computer problems and misses everyone.

I have to wonder why my random thoughts always come in novels...
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Postby Luc » Sat Jul 19, 2003 11:40 am

novels are fun :) germany huh sounds fun. i'm sure it wont make you look like a goof. perhaps something else but not aht.. :P just kidding. whats the article about? i know its on your website but, like, more details?

random stuff: going to ozz fest tomarrow !!!!
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Postby RinRin » Sat Jul 19, 2003 8:53 pm

random stuff:

i just found the coolest band ever in the entire world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe...it's an underground British band called Beamer..they are soooooooo coooooool!!! OH LORDY MY! they're like...all old style...it's so darn cute! but it's sad, cause i've been looking for hours online for their cd, even on ebay, and i can't find it...*sniff*....think anyone might be able to help? I know they won't be in any stores around my area, but...their cd is called "Coloured Heavy", and yes that's spelled correctly. it's cause their all....british....heeeeeeeee! mkay well.....yeah that's about it! :D

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Postby RinRin » Sat Jul 19, 2003 8:54 pm

oh yeah luc.....that's so lucky!! you're going to ozz fest!! I ENVY YOU!! wow...well have fun, you hear?? tell me all about it when you get back!


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Postby Luc » Tue Jul 22, 2003 9:06 am

it was crazy and i got cradle of filth's fucken autographed. ^,^ !!!! i framed it and such. man.. i still cant belive it i got their autographed. i talked with dani about his movie that he made and what not,, and with bassest saying how i can play some of his stuff.. man.. i was just speechless with some..

then maralyn manson put on a good show, and i got wet by god himself.. ozzy.. haha.. he took out waterguns and wet almost the whole front role. i was just at row four!!!!1 :mrgreen: :D :lol: :) !!!
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Postby RinRin » Tue Jul 22, 2003 11:56 am

that is so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now i envy you even more...you got wet by OZZY! UGH!! SOMEONE KILL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Postby Luc » Tue Jul 22, 2003 1:55 pm

haha.. i still cant belive it, its like it was all a dream. its funny what my friend keeps on saying, we got babtized by god. thats his way of saying we got wet by ozzy. they jack write started playing the star spangle banner with his teeth. it was nuts....
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