Im taking off

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Im taking off

Postby Leah06 » Wed Jul 06, 2005 7:53 pm

Hello fellow Dreamers. I miss you all and im sorry im not on much, i have lost time. I will be away for 17 days, im finally going to europe. i am so compleatly excited i find it hard to sleep. i say 17 days because i dont know how much energy i have when i get back, but i will be there for an amazing 16 days. i already started packing and i constintly think of what i am possibly forgetting. i am compleatly scatter-brained. i couldent find this one shirt i really wanted to take and after about 20 minuets of searching, i realized i was wearing it. i could blame it on being blonde... but im not going to. i will be taking tons and tons of pictures. so if you want to see them, let me know and send me your e-mail adress so i can send some to you. im going to miss you so much, im leaving on saturday the 9th. i wish you all the best and i hope you all have a fantastic summer.

much love,
Leah K.
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Postby Dreamer » Mon Jul 11, 2005 9:29 am

A bit late but I hope you have a wonderful time.....
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Postby Stacey » Wed Jul 13, 2005 8:29 am

See you when you get back Leah !

I just got back from vacation. Was the first time i ever flew. I was pretty nervous at first, but sort of enjoyed it. I went to Flordia for a week to visit my mom. Weather was ok till Hurricane Dennis had to make an appearance. Luckily we were just on the outskirts of it and just had severe thunder storms and some strong winds. Tide came in and flooded mom's screened in porch though. :(
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Postby Leah06 » Fri Jul 15, 2005 12:50 pm

yea i am having a blast. im in france right now and i am leaving for switzerland in the morning. London was amazing, it has been my favorate so far. however i have little time left on this comp so i will message again in switzerland. no sighn of ruby, that has been my biggest disapointment.
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Postby rubydragon » Mon Jul 18, 2005 7:02 am

Sorry again babe, I tried to get to ya but the rail networks are in chaos due to the bombings. I promise we WILL meet. I just know we will. xx
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Postby Leah06 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 12:50 pm

i have faith in you. for alll who are reading, switzerland was by far my most favorate contry. i wanted to "loose" my passport so i could just stay there, it was amazing and beautiful. champery was the most adorable little town surrounded by mountins and green beauty. i want to live up there. i fell in love with the little town and all the people are so kind to everyone. after switzerland we went to lickstenstein for the day, wasnt to exciting, and then we went off to austria. now austria was very different from switzerland, the people didnt like us all to much. i dont remember alot about austria, the second day i was there, i went to the grocery store and i was walking down this pedestrian zone alley way, stoping to put some things in my friends backpack because he didnt want to carry it, and all of a sudden a white vann backed into us hitting me from the front and then both of us from the back. so i spent the rest of the day in the emergency room and at police headquarters. just my luck. im alright, my nose is most likly broken, i find out in a few days when my x-rays get back, and my head still hurts like hell. venice wasnt all i expected it to be, it was depressing to be there, yet still amazingly beautiful. germany was fun, i wish i could have had more time there. i hope everyone gets a chance to visit europe, i want to live there for the rest of my life, maby it will be possible soon. in a a few days im going off to camp for a week and i am so excited. i think my self esteem has gone up since my experiences in europe and thats great. i also got to experience drinking (which was some nice legal fun) and it changed alot od things for me. well i must go to work.

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