
Almost Anything Goes

Postby Stacey » Mon Nov 22, 2004 5:57 pm

Have fun Leah.. see ya when you get back :P
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Postby Leah06 » Thu Nov 25, 2004 2:52 am

Well, its 12am(Thursday) HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! haha i got to say it first lol. Anyways i just got home from my trip, and i had so much fun! I love HSU, i really hope i get in, its a amazing school. The campus couldnt be more beautiful, and the town is so small and cute. It was around 30 degrees and foggy the whole trip but i loved it. I got to take a tour of the campus and the dorms. Now that i have been thinking about the whole dorm thing, im not so sure i want to be in a doorm. I have heard about how being in a dorm is the best part of college but im not sure im ready for all the parties, drinking, drugs, and nosie that comes with it. And at HSU most of the dorms are for 3-6 people! And with my luck i would get the worst room. So maby i would be better off in an Appt. So HSU colors are yellow and green and they are the "HSU Lumberjacks". Kinda dorky but i cant do anything about it. Walking around the school was such a privelage, most of the time it smelled like maple syrup because of the maple trees that surround the school along with fur trees and red woods. When i took a tour of the dorms, i could look out almost every window and see the ocean, it was so cool. Other than visiting the school, i went and spent time with my grandpa wich was wonderful in itself. We went cruzing aroud in our hotel's complimentary limo wich was so crazy! The limo drivers son took me for a ride in his blue 65 ford mustang which ROCKED! i wanted to steal his car so bad! It was beautiful and sounded lovley!
There are so many things i could share with you but i dont want to bore you too much. I found a pearl one night at dinner.... it was inside one of my oysters... it was weird... i was chewing and all of a sudden i bit down on something hard and after i got rid of the food of my mouth, there it was. You would think that the chef would have found it while cooking my dinner becase the actual oyster part that you eat was out of its shell when cooked so it was weird how it stayed attached or whatever. SO i have the pearl and its suppoed to mean good luck or something. Well we will see what happens with that. I cant really tell you to much more because im getting a bit tierd (didnt sleep much on the trip) and i have a few chapters to finish on my book for school. I hope you all had a great past 3 days, and have a verry Happy Thanksgiving. I will be writing again soon....

Love Always,
Leah Kendall
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Postby Stacey » Thu Nov 25, 2004 7:34 pm

Hey welcome home.. and happy Turkey day !!

did you watch the parade??
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Postby Leah06 » Thu Dec 02, 2004 12:52 am

Hello everyone!
Well, first off today is world AIDS day. Very important indeed. I would like you all to take a fraction of your time and think of the ppl who are infected and ppl who have died of the AIDS virus.
Also today, is my 17th birthday! Wohoo! And at first, today was alright, nothng bad, just nothing great, just kind of blah. Plus i dont like all the attention i was getting, i dont like being in huge classes and have everyone looking at me and singing me happy birthday. (im shy i guess...) Well today got much much better! my sister and my friends meghan and kelsey attacked me after school. my mom was like "lets go out to dinner". And i didnt care so i was like "whatever". and when we got there, i was goind twords the side door (there are 3 doors) and i was skipping because i was hyper up to the door of Applebees and i saw something coming really fast up behind me. and meghan, kelsey, my sister, and kevin were attacking me with silly string, all over me and i mean ALL over me. all in my hair, down my pants, all over the sidewalk, on a few cars, in the parkinglot. and i didnt even know what was goin on. then we get inside and meghan and kelsey had decorated a corner booth with confetti and baloons, and they had made this big poster with High School pictures of me all over it saying "happy 17th birthday Leah! Love Meghan, Kelsey, and Caitlin (sister)" and we had dinner.and they got me the evanescence "anywhere but home" dvd/cd. I was so shocked! and then we went to regal(my job across the parking lot) to say hi to everyone and everyone was giving me hugs and stuff. it was so fun! though i have bruises all over my body because while they were chasing me across the parking lot, i slowed to see where they were and to pull up my pants which were falling, and my sister crashed right into me, i hit a car that was next to me, and hit the pavment. and it took me 20 min to get the silly string out of my hair. But it was the best thing ever. and i got flowers from my friends and baloons, and cards at school. it was so cool. i wish you all could have been there. I hope you all had a great day!

Love Ya!
Leah Kendall
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Postby Stacey » Thu Dec 02, 2004 8:43 pm

Happy late birthday Leah !!
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Postby Leah06 » Mon Dec 13, 2004 2:06 am

Thanks Stacey! Well everyone, i havent been on this forum for awhile and im bored so im going to share some stuff thats been going on.

I met the band Linkon Park the other day. i got their new book and all their autographs. they were really nice to me and we talked for a bit wich was cool. My mom had her baby, his name is Zachary Ryan and he weighs 7 pounds 4 ounces. At first he wasnt doing too well, he had alot of aminotic fluids in his lungs and was on iv's and a breathing respirator for a week. now hes off all of it and he is finnaly breast feeding, which is a relief to my mom. I havent gotten to see him up close yet because hes still in the ICU and i havent had time to go all the way out to oakland. My mom is home now, and we hope to have zachary home some time this coming week.
My drivers test is tuesday and im still getting scared. i am almost positive i will pass but im scared i will get this guy who everyone calls "scary larry". he fails practically 7 out of 10 drivers. and most of my friends have had him. some of them had to re-take the test a few times because they kept failing with him as the intructor.
There is a x-mas party at work in a few days, and i am not sure i want to go. some of the ppl i have become close with in the past 8 months want me to go but it will be weird. its hard to explain, but im still not to sure.

i hope everyone is having a great life. if not, i hope things get better. thanks for reading!
~Leah Kendall

I cant think of much else to tell any of you right now.
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Postby Leah06 » Thu Dec 16, 2004 6:05 pm

well, i passed my drives test. and yes, i did have Larry. But all the stories about him were all lies. He wasnt scarry at all, he was rather nice. i liked him alot, and even more so that he passed me. Now all i have to do is learn stick shift before i can drive to school and such. i drove for the first time alone wendsday night, i went to the mall to get a new shirt for the christmas party at work its like a red sweater, long sleeved and see thru and then i got a little tank top to go underneath. i got a white one and a black one, im not sure which i am to wear yet. The sweater is suposed to be see thru so i have to wear one, otherwise i might as well not wear a shirt. BAD IDEA! And after i was done getting my clothes i went to a smoothie store called jamba juice because i promised my siblings that i would try and get them smoothies on my way home, but the store had already closed so i drove to the one next to where i work, and that one was also closed. i parked anyways and went inside to say hi to all my managers and fellow employees and then i went to starbucks in the same shopping center and drove home. I ended up tsking my test that day (wendsday) because the DMV didnt have enough testers for me on tuesday. but i passed and thats all that matters. Anyways, i just wanted to share the good news. I have to go get ready for a band concert and im leaving early so i get the jamba juices as promised. I hope you are all haveing a fantastic week! Thanks for reading!
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Postby RinRin » Thu Dec 16, 2004 10:08 pm

Congrats Leah! *applauding*!!!

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Postby Dreamer » Fri Dec 17, 2004 1:35 am

ah sweet freedoms congrats leah
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Postby Leah06 » Mon Dec 27, 2004 2:45 am

Hi all, well i havent written in a long time. And i am supposed to be packing right now but i decided to drop in. I am not so sure anyone reads this stuff anymore but im going to write anyways. Well, i am packing for a week trip to arizona. I really dont want to go... but i have no choice. Its a band trip, and we are compeating in the Rose parade so were going to be on tv, if you happen to be home the day the paade is happening, my school is FoothillHigh School and we have blue uniforms, with black pants and a blue stripe down each leg, black shiny shoes, and white hats that look like helmits with a plume (feathers that rin along the top, they are white and have some gold shiny stuff in them) and i am one of the suzaphones (huge silver bass thing, you cant miss it) and i am in the middle there is 9 of us so count 4 in either side...... anyways were also compeating in felidshow but im not a suza for feild, i am one of the 60 something clarinets, good luck finding me there... so a whole week in arizona... away from work and from you all. its going to be lonly and band-geek-infested. Anyways, i just got off work (wohoo) and i have alot of packing to do. I hope you all had a fabulos christams and a very safe and happy new year!
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