Martin, Just like you to make me have to think.. and Ben.. I just don't know about you..

Great Thread too anyway.....
How do I create....
It seems that my poetry and writing comes form that same mysterious place everyone elses does. It's like it is just floating out there and mind grasps a corner of it and automatically start reeling it in and spinning it into the fabric of a poem..
I am sure I have said it before, my inspiration comes at the most inopportune times. When I am submerged to my elbows in dish water, in the shower or driving down the road. All times when my mind is free to roam a bit unchallenged by daily interuptions. I write from the inside, things I ponder about. The words seem to just put themselves together and I am just a vessel used by them to put it on paper or in type. It becomes a need to write them down. If I don't I actually feel a loss. Like something just passed me by.
Who am I as a Poet....
I would have to say I am an observer. Everything has some sort of story to tell and I feel it is my given talent to translate and tell it. I think it is like the job of a story teller, minstral, and/or bard of long ago . I want to tell the story of life around me, the people I meet and things that cross my path in life's journey. I try to express my feelings in a way that others can understand. As a poet/writer I feel it is important to have someone feel or learn something after they have finished reading.
Why do I write the way I do..
Kind of a cross over of the last question. I like to use the metaphor and rhyme. Rhyme seems to be natural for me. (I blame Dr. Suess and nursery rhymes) Metaphors seem sort of a way of cushioning the truth a bit. I write about real life events going on around me. Close friends would feel offended if I was to talk about them openly. It would also lock the poem into the specific meaning of the poem. Being right out and open in a poem is okay for some writings. Ones when you are trying to make a specific point. I like people to think. Writing metaphoically allows people more freedom to use their own life and thoughts to find a meaning in the poem that works for them. Thus becoming part of their art too. Metaphors also are a way of playing with words to me. Using words in ways they might not have been used recently, making it sort of a puzzle.
Those who have known me a long time know my dragons are metaphor for my daughters illness and the knight symbolizes my internal fight for her sanity and my inward and outward fight with how the system deals with people who have these sorts of problems happen to them.
Yet speaking of dragons and knights can mean the fight of good and evil, and to some just plain.. knights and dragons. But to each person they find their own meaning hidden in the metaphorical puzzle.
I also write that way for protection of whom I may be writing about. Their privacy is masked and not outwardly announced. The "I" can be hidden in the "you", or the "you" can be hidden in the "I". So my writings aren't always about MY life. "I" becomes the perspective of whom or whatever the current narrator is.
But I also like playing with the various forms and styles of poetry. Experimenting with the ways words work. Keeps it fun. So whether I am making a statement, sharing a story or just plain writing for the whimsy I write to share part of who I am with the world now and maybe who we were to the future generations. (If my work lasts that long) Giving them a peek at what life is like from my point of view.
But underneath it all, I basically write for me. Cause it's what feels right.